Saturday 29 December 2007

Day in the city.

Nice sight to wake up to!! Yes another disturbed nights sleep. 2.30 am screams and cries from next door.

First stop Seattle Arts Museum sculpture park.

Confess we were side tracked into visiting the Patagonia and North Face stores. A few essentials purchased. Then wandered by the waterfront and down into the old town district where we spent an age perusing books at the Elliott Bay Book Company. Fabulous old school bookshop.

Seafood lunch in Pike's market. Then off to the Seattle Arts Museum to look at the permanent collection. Some lovely turn of the last century oils of heartland America. Also some Donald Judds, Rauschenberg, Rothko, Pollock etc

Julia headed off shopping whilst I recharged my caffeine levels and watched the heavens open once again.

Spent the evening at Queen's City Grill. Best meal of the trip. Oysters, alaskan king crab, seared ahi tuna, fantastic.

Friday 28 December 2007

21 years latter

Breakfast of Dungeness Crab Omelette at Pike Street Market. Fantastic area full of fresh seafood, coffee shops, organic food and veg etc. This is a great city. It has the charm of New York without the hardness. Lovely old brownstone buildings nestled in to new highrise. The downtown area is smart, clean and vibrant. This city certainly has style and charm.

We could see across the Puget Sound the mountains of the Olympic National Park fighting to break free of their cloak of clouds.

Met up with Pete Haney. I hadn't seen him since 1986-97 when we played LaCrosse together at Oxford. What a fantastic year that was! He is now married to Betsy, a doctor, and they live in Portland Orgeon where Pete works in the T-shirts division of Nike. Two lovely children Ellen and Mary Pearl.

It was so amazing. He hasn't changed a bit! Great conversation as if there was no gulf of almost 21 years. We gassed about the old crew and what they were all up to. Pete took us out for lunch and then showed us round the neighbourhood he used to live in.

Back to the hotel. It's a lovely little artsy boutique place. Hasn't been the most restful of places as we have been woken by the noise of our neighbours shagging away into the wee hours!

Popped into the REI flagship store. Was a cornucopia of outdoor goodies. Ended up buying a pair of rock climbing boots and a heart monitor!

Decided to have a fun evening and went to the cinema. Julia got carried away with the popcorn and lemonade. Watched Aliens versus Predator - wished we hadn't. It's such a shame as it is such a great franchise. Then back to the hotel for a fantastic and scrummy meal of sushi.

This is a great city and beats the hell out of LA!!

Seattle and the Super Sonics

After a brief sojourn at the local laundromat. It was getting to the stage where, dressed in our hiking gear, we could smell ourselves. It wasn't pretty.

Then off and away from our 'Twin Peaks'

As soon as we left the Mt Rainier region the heavens opened. Headed up the 5 to Seattle stopping in Tacoma. In the 1950s my mother had lived here. A port/industrial town with an annex of Washington University. Lots of signs stating 'remember that Jesus is the reason for the season.'

Seattle was wet when we arrived and it stayed wet all evening!

Off to Key Stadium to watch the Seattle 'Supersonics' loose to the Boston 'Celtics'. The score was 106 to 96.

Great evening full of razzamatazz...

...and some great hoops.

Wednesday 26 December 2007

Mt Tahoma Ski Trails

The Yaris bravely fought its way up unploughed backroads into the forests around Mt Tahoma. The snow was a good few feet thick. Headed up into the woods for a fantastic days cross country skiing. By far the best yet. Great trails and good solid snow.

Evening in the hot tub!

Tuesday 25 December 2007

Christmas in Paradise

After a lazy morning chatting to family on Skype we finally headed off to Paradise.

Despite a broken ski pole the skiing was fantastic and the wilderness breath taking.

Fantastic to be out in the wild on Christmas Day. At one point we had considered camping!

By the time we got back the Yaris was covered in 3-4 inches of snow.

Home for a veritable banquet as the photo below shows.

Fantastic Christmas Day!

Monday 24 December 2007

Mt Rainier

The comforts and pleasures of Salem Motel Six alas could not stop us from leaving at the crack of dawn.

Through Portland Oregon, slight detour as I missed a junction due to staring at a cable car, so had to navigate through down town.

Into Washington Sate. First impressions - beautiful.

Picked up our cabin keys, some cross country skis.

Our little cabin was actually very little. One double bed in the kitchen cum living room. It's really sweet with a great hot tub out in the back. Surprised that the US has not petitioned the olympic committee for 'hot tubbing' to be a recognised sport. If they do so, I see gold looming large.

On reflection this is definitely the kind of place you see in movies where the college students arrive, think everyone is a hick, coo over how quaint the cabin is and then all get systematically chopped up by the local bar owner and his mates. Will see what happens.

Stocked up on food for the festive few days.

This place feels like Twin Peaks!

Look round Rainier National Park to get our bearings.

Popped into the 'Highlander' for a pre prandial beverage. This place is definitely Twin Peaks. Charming locals all rather large and rather sozzled. Couldn't help notice the sign that the current owners are looking to sell up. Think this would make an ideal investment for Pall Mall Partners - will ensure Julia points out this business opportunity to Michael, Mark and Ted.

Home to the shack for Christmas Eve dinner of boil in the bag Trader Joes Lentils and of course a hot tub.