Robe Spera - more Meisner work - getting more uncomfortable and more exciting. Extra lesson last Saturday - homework we were all asked to bring in a scene to direct in class. So I used a moment from Alone Together - it was surprisingly uncomfortable to direct in front of your peers - but I soon got into it and it was a great learning experience. Lots came out - my blocking wasn't risky enough for the moment chosen - be more bold! Also when it starts to work I tend to talk too much and can loose the moment and confuse the actors. So good lessons for She Cried Alive.
Rob was also saying that as a Director if you have the balls to tell the truth and open up then you have the balls to be a leader.
If you are having problems on set call the person on it in a loving and truthful way and also ask for their help.
Seduction is composed of three moments:
- Interest
- Availability
- Sharing a deep dark secret
Actions are signs.
The way a character treats the obstacle is character.
Remember its whats underneat that is important as in real life people get shot for the smallest of insults - it's what we make it mean is whats at stake.
We are looking for performaces which are authentic, spontaneous and original
Little things hurt your feelings
Jim McBride - we started looking at Cycle 1 shoots and talking about them in class.
Bill Dill - more lessons from Cycle 1. Think the key moment this time round was: you have to live with the consequences of the films you make. Mat and Valentina shot Apt 209 which was about madness and ended with the the murder of a man. It was cool and hip, beautifully shot - but the murder was unmotivated and murder is a big issue its not cool. So scarry to see such 'entertaining' images - how will this affect an audience and can you live with the consequnces.
Other comments - diagonals violent, horizontals peaceful - you compare the buddhist symbol with the nazi symbol. What medium will most people watch this film in? Then construct the image for that size.
Finally on Friday afternoon watched 'Old Boy'. Afterwards, through Christine No (Producer) acting as an interpreter Jeong-hun Jeong the Cinematographer held a Q&A. his influences on teh film were seven and Amores Peros. The fight sequence in the hallway was shot 17 times over 2 days - they used teh last take, as the Director wanted the actor to look exhausted - afterwards he was annoyed with the Director! The Octopus sequence was shot 5 times as they wanted the Octopus to be alive and the tentacles movimng when he ate it, in the first 4 takes the octopae died too quickly! The Production Designer on the film, Seong-hie Ryu, studied at the AFI. The film went through a bleach by-pass. Christine would translate a statement we would be puzzled and then she would say it was a joke! Fantastic afternoon......funny thing Jeong last year was thinking of applying to the AFI.
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