Saturday, 3 November 2007

Once more unto the breach dear friends....

Don't know why I am quoting Shakespeare as I am not that fond of theatre. Anyway what a start day! Everyone was eager. All arrived at the location early, as did many of the actors. Unfortunately 9.00am came and went and still no sign of the owner. So everyone chilled out and waited and waited and waited.

9.30 passed.....

10.00 passed....

10.30 passed......

They say if blocking is thought out it will tell the whole story. Think the picture below verifies this concept...

Credit to La Monde. He called the owner repeatedly, tried other avenues contacting his wife, employees etc. Then Spoke to Claire in Production sevices, spoke to Film LA and by 11.10 he had found us another venue for the bar scene. So within minutes we were straight into the cars and off. I was dawdling. Just about to get into my car when the guy turned up and opened up the car! Immediate turn around and we were unloading by 11.30.

Now at our production meeting we were told that this would be a tough day to make our shots. So loosing 2 1/2 hours would make it really difficult. Well we made it.

The morning was fraught as we rushed in, set up ligts and camera and started shooting. Now I have seen the rushes and am very pleased in deed, but at the time I started to realise that we had put the camera in the wrong position and were shooting it all too close. Now it works but it was a difficult morning. Packed set, lots of catch up and an element of chaos which I hate. So we reconvened at lunch and started out again. This time it worked smoothly.

The club scene looks great. Rob, Jason and Adam are fantastic in it - full of energy and life. We were so lucky as crew invited friends along to be background artists and it brought the scene to life, with the club feeling full and busy. So thank you all!!

Fanshen and John were great and definitely the right choices for the roles. Wonderful little looks, smiles - its playful and meaningful. Lots for Nick to play with in the edit suite. Big smile.

Jeff and his team - Matt, Katie, David, Jeff and Chris did a great job buying us back time, it looks great and works for the story.

Nick and Larry - fab job on the sound - this will be a toughie!

Andrew Hines, one of the Directors on the course has stepped in as Production Designer - he has been wonderful. It really helps having someone in this role who knows a set, looks in the monitor and most importantly cares - cheers Andrew!

Christy with help from Michael Pomphrey did a great job as 1st AD - it was a tough first day, with a stupid amount of cast and extras, fighting back time - she got us through with our shots!

Natasha - she is such fun! All the costumes worked and added story value.

Jennifer - everyone looked natural except the dancers who looked very sassy - great job.

Oh and one final thing......

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