Thursday 20 September 2007

The dream of rain

Well everyone is talking abourt it, there is tension in the air, contingency plans are being discussed. Yes, rain is approaching. How they can tell who knows, as there wasn't a cloud in the sky today. It reminds me of when hot weather strikes in the London - chaos ensues as the infrastructure and the citizens are unable to cope with the change - looks as rain has the same effect here.

Popped in on a number of the other 'bootcamp' scenes.

Gina Kelly, screenwriting and Christine No producing

Jen and Chris Schwartz -AFI Faculty

David Stragmeister, cinematography

Carlos Fernandez, Production Design

Gibert McDonald - Screenwriting

Sara Sugarman - a fellow Brit - Screenwriting her imdb page:

Dean Bob Mandel in the Warner Building.

Stephen Leggitt, screenwriting and Sam Harrowitz, cinematography

Dean Bob Mandel, Sheila Sullivan and Joe Petricca visit the set.

Weird evening - due to head off to Santa Monica to see 2001 in 70mm. Heather organised the outing but as she is shooting tomorrow she dropped out. So Nick Quinn was at the helm and then as he had been editing he dropped out. So I was then going with Ben Mattingly and his girlfriend - just about to head off late at 6.15 when he realised that he was shooting the next morning and it probably wouldn't be best to go. So 6.25 hit traffic and I return home!

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