Up early and headed straight for Santa Monica, hitting the beach just after 8am. Checked in with the lifeguard to see if there was any hazards to be aware of. Zipped up wetsuit, attached the leash to my ankle, picked up the board and just about to plunge into the surf when this 50 year old Californian shouted 'stop'. He asked if I had any wax cause there was no way in hell I would stand up without it. Anyway, him and his buddies have been surfing for 40 years, they kindly took me under their wing, made sure I waxed my board, checked the fins as they had been put in poorly and gave me some guidance on etiquette on the surf. Oh seems as though I have bought a real bargain - they couldn't believe the price. The surf wasn't great so no entering the 'blue room' today! It was fantastic to be out in the sea. For the first time in LA I finally felt myself unwind.
This is such a city of consumerism, even at the beach you can't get away from it. By 10am there are light aircraft flying down the coast trailing banners telling you to drink Bacardi Mojitos, Eat at Rays, or cable TV. It seems that work is money, holiday is money, relaxation is money, fun is money, hat is money, everything revolves around money. So where do you go away from it? I guess you get rich enough to live in a private mansion which shuts it out! Nick came up with a great line yesterday 'money buys you a better class of depression!'
Exhausted I dragged myself out of the water and headed off to LACMA.
One thing I have noticed is when people learn that I British I then end up in one of two conversations. The first is - what do I think about all the surveillance cameras in the UK, the second concerns the 'problem of the Muslims'. In most instances I find the instigator of the questions is incredibly naieve of the issue being discussed. I guess there is an increaing feeling of universal vulnerability here in the US.
Wanted to stop off at Penny and H's favourite breakfast place on Santa Monica 'Bread & Porride' but missed so ended up in an iHop (International House of Pancakes) - well I like pancakes but this felt more like a soup kitchen. Won't be a returning customer. Can still feel the grease on my palate.
Met up with Heather and David Stragmeister another DP from Israel. Has a really interesting reel. He is still living through teh nightmare of finding a car. Heather is lovely, going through a tough moment as she is recently separated. So we had a look round the SoCal art from 60s and 70s exhibition. A little bland, though some nice moments. Coffee and a chinwag.
Afterwards I went back and looked at some of the permanent collection to see if anything resonated for 'She Cried Alive' and found a couple of pictures....
...and a few fun ones.
Back home found an e mail from Jeff Bierman a DP at AFI. Nice reel, lovely strong blacks and shadows.
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